First See, Then Learn
Eight-year-old Amelia, along with 312 million other children and adolescents worldwide, need only a pair of prescription glasses in order to regain full visual capacity…
Addressing Eye Care for Underserved Populations in East Africa
In East Africa, 30-50% of blindness is caused by cataracts, with the number of individuals suffering from cataracts in sub‐Saharan Africa estimated at 3.6 million and rising each year…
Sustainability in Uncertain Times
In the uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic, the need for stability and sustainability weighs heavily, especially on low-income countries…
Haitian Nurses Find Vision in Primary Eye Care
In the most tumultuous and poverty-stricken country in the Western Hemisphere, maintaining hope and vision for life can be a challenge…
CharityVision: Celebrating 30 Years of Giving Sight Back to the Blind
CEO Doug Jackson on celebrating 30 years of giving sight back to the blind…
Optometry and Ophthalmology: Collaborating for Success
Programs Director Haleigh Cole Perry and Colombia Director Guiomar Malaver on the need for collaboration between optometry and ophthalmology…